79% of Businesses in Netherlands Implementing Sustainability Measures: A 2022 Overview

A recent report by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) shows that 79% of businesses in the Netherlands are now making serious efforts to be more sustainable. The study highlighted a diverse array of sustainability measures being adopted in sectors like transportation, real estate, and accommodation demonstrating sector-specific sustainability emphases. Despite the optimistic shift, businesses acknowledge the need for collective efforts, collaboration, and overcoming challenges to foster a more sustainable future, reinforcing the belief in a concerted approach to advance toward a greener business landscape.

Join us in the Effort to Build a More Sustainable Future.

A huge increase in sustainability efforts among businesses has been reported, according to a recent report by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) based on the September 2022 Business Survey Netherlands (COEN). An impressive 79% of businesses have taken the initiative towards implementing sustainability within their operations.

Key Findings 

  • Diverse Sustainability Measures Adopted 
    1. Nearly 39% of companies have taken a combination of measures related to energy, emissions, or the circular economy.
    2. Around 20% have primarily focused on improving sustainability in the field of energy.
    3. Measures concerning the circular economy (14%) and emissions (6%) are cited less frequently.

  • Sector-Wise Focus on Sustainability
    1. Transportation and Storage, Renting/Leasing, and Business Services:
      These sectors show a higher inclination towards addressing emissions.

    2. Real Estate Activities, Culture, Sports, Recreation:
      These sectors primarily focus on energy sustainability.

    3. Accommodation and Food Services:
      Circular measures take precedence in these businesses.
  • Perception of Sustainability
    1. A third of the companies believe their operations are largely or entirely sustainable. 
    2. Nearly half consider their business to be partially sustainable.
    3. Only 15% think their business has achieved sustainability to a small degree.


Overcoming Obstacles: A Collective Effort for a Sustainable Future

The data indicates an overwhelmingly positive attitude toward embracing sustainability in the Netherlands’ business landscape. Despite this, there remain challenges, for example overcoming dependence on third parties and acquiring sufficient financial resources.

Source: Statistics Netherlands (CBS)

To improve sustainability efforts further, collaboration between relevant stakeholders should be leveraged on. By fostering a supportive ecosystem and providing accessible resources, a smoother transition can be ensured for companies who want to become more sustainable.

In conclusion, the statistics give a promising sign of the future of sustainability initiatives among businesses. Verum Artes believes that through communal collaborative efforts and commitment, we can advance the journey toward a more sustainable and environmentally conscious business environment. We take pride in our company’s philosophy towards sustainable business practices and are here to help with this exciting transition. 

Original Source:
8 in 10 businesses are improving sustainability by Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)

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